If you’re ready to take your first step as a business owner, you should start by identifying a side hustle. To help you get started, I’m kicking off the 3-Day Side Hustle Challenge.

What Exactly is a 3-Day Challenge?

A challenge is a call to take part in a contest or a competition. In an online business world, a challenge is a mini-training where you take participants through a series of actions for a set period of time to achieve a common goal.

By joining this challenge, you make a commitment to challenge yourself to form a new habit, to master a new skill, to complete a project or to achieve a goal.

Each day during this three-day challenge, we’ll break down the actionable steps you need to take to identify at least two potentially profitable side hustles.

The Format

  1. On February 20, 2020, I will stream live from my Facebook Page at 12 PM CST. If you haven't liked my page, please consider liking it today.

  2. I will send an email every day for three consecutive days with an Education Piece and an Assignment Piece.

  3. Later that evening, I will return to my page to engage and answer questions.

Registration for the 3-Day Side Hustle Challenge closes on Wednesday, February 19, 2020—don’t miss out!

If you have questions, please drop a comment. 


Clarence E. Stowers, Jr.